Friday, August 15, 2014

Two authors spent time at the Brandon History Center during Brandon Summer Fest 2014

Gabe Pipo with the book that he authored

Legend of the Hills


Dennis Tuel and Lynn Murray

with the books that Dennis authored

An Entrepreneurial Life Journey 


Collateralizing Accounts Receivable


Gabe Pipo, Brad Lund and Jon Toft

Dennis Tuel, Bob Olson and Marsha Tuel

Eleanor Norling and  Gabe Pipo

Gabe Pipo, Dennis Tuel, Kenny Bettermann and Marsha Tuel

Gabe Pipo, Theresa Lehn and  Karen Thoennes

Gabe Pipo, Dennis Tuel, Marsha Tuel and  Dennis Korkowski


Shirley Larson, Harry Kruize, Mae Eichelberger and  Gabe Pipo


Janet Nelson and Gabe Pipo

Marsha Tuel and Jerry Glisky

Brad Lund, Gabe and Diane Pipo

Mae Eichelberger and Gabe Pipo


Paul Johnson, Gabe Pipo and Dennis Tuel

Marsha Tuel, Dennis Korkowski and Joyce Shea

Gabe Pipo, MaryAnn Ostlund and Shirley Larson

Muriel and Arnie DeBilzan with Dennis Tuel

Myron Severson and Gabe Pipo

Dennis and Marsha Tuel with Kenny Bettermann

Robert Lambus, Shirley Larson and Gabe Pipo

Gabe Pipo with a co-worker from many years ago when they were members of the

Douglas County Sheriff Department 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Brandon High School Class of 1964 spent part of their class reunion time at the Brandon History Center July 29, 2014

 Front: Jeanette (Mahan) McGillicuddy, Lynn Rossum, Robert Thoennes,
 Annette(Daas) Suchy, Mary Ann (Shea) Roers
Back: Maynard Peterson, Paul Pladson, Gary Buse, John Suchy, Gareth Klimek,
Joanne(Eddy) Loeffler, Bob Jones

 Front: Jeanette (Mahan) McGillicuddy, Dorothy Peterson, Lynn Rossum,
 Robert Thoennes, Karen Thoennes
Middle: Mary Ann (Shea) Roers, Sharon (Strom) Rossum, Barb Pladson, Molly Buse, John Suchy, Joanne (Eddy) Loeffler, Jan Jones, Annette (Daas) Suchy
Back: John Roers, Maynard Peterson, Paul Pladson, Gary Buse, Shirley Suchy,
Gareth Klimek, Fritz Loeffler, Bob Jones

 Bob Jones, Paul Pladson, Lynn Rossum, Jan Jones and  John Roers visiting
in the entry of the Brandon Auditorium.

Cheryl Johnson of the Brandon History Center, is in the
upstairs hallway with Gary Buse
checking out old graduation pictures.

Gareth Klimek, Gary Buse and Bob Thoennes
 in the upstairs room of the Brandon History Center.

Gareth Klimek, John Suchy and Bob Thoennes checking out
 Millerville history pictures in the stairway.

Gary Buse and Fritz Loeffler looking over the military uniforms.

Jeanette McGillicuddy won this Historical Brandon History Quilt at the Quasquicentennal celebration in 2006.  She is shown here donating the quilt back to the Brandon History Center.
We are very thankful for this donation.  The quilt was displayed  at the Brandon Auditorium during the Summer Fest on August 2nd and admired by many.

Jeanette McGillicuddy, Marcia Bolin of the Brandon History Center and Annette Suchy
 looking through family files.

Joanne, Loeffler, Dorothy Peterson, Sharon Rossum, Marcia Bolin, Mary Ann Roers
 in the main floor history room.

Joanne Loeffler, Marcia Bolin of the history center, Bob Jones, Annette Suchy, Molly Buse,  Maynard Peterson, Barb Pladson, Gary Buse, Jeanette McGillcuddy, and Lynn Rossum going through some of our many history books.
John Roers, Mary Ann Roers, Maynard Peterson Jeanette McGillicuddy and Karen Thoennes looking over many of the antiques displayed at the Brandon History Center.

John Suchy and Fritz Loeffler with Barb Pladson who is looking through
 Millerville history books.

Karen Thoennes of the Brandon History Center,  is explaining some Millerville history to
Gareth Klimek, John Suchy, Gary Buse and Bob Thoennes.

Maynard Peterson, Mary Ann Roers, Paul Pladson and John Roers are
looking over Brandon history picture.

Molly and Gary Buse and checking out more history books.

At the Brandon History Center we are pleased to show

 off what we have collected. 

 You can contact any of our Board Members to set up a time for your visit.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Brandon Summer Fest Parade 2014