Thursday, December 14, 2023

OUR LEGACY "Echoes of the Past" is now added to the Brandon History Center Website

OUR LEGACY "Echoes of the Past" by Laura Wilken Roers and written by her son James William Roers, has been added to the History Library of the Brandon History Center Website.  The book is about the family history of the Hockert and Wilken families.

We have this book at the Brandon History Center but now you can read it in the comfort of your home.

Friday, December 8, 2023

"Muriel" written by Joanna Sandbo Engstrom, has been added to the Brandon History Center Website

Another book has been added to the Brandon History Center Website. "Muriel" was written by Joanna Sandbo Engstrom about her aunt Muriel Olson Kappler.  Muriel grew up in Brandon. She graduated from Brandon High School in 1938.  She became a nurse in 1941 and served in WWII.  We have this book at the Brandon History Center, but now you can read it in the comfort of your home.  Our Website is  Next click on History Library and then choose the book you want to read. 

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Local Authors can be found on Brandon History Center Website

Spilling Over was written by Florian Ledermann who grew 

up in rural Brandon and created our Burr Vineyard.  

Florian was a  1958 graduateof Brandon High School.


John's Story was written by John Anderson who grew up in Brandon,
 taught school in Morris for many years and had a lake place on Devil's Lake.
John was a 1949 graduate of Brandon High School.

We have these books at the Brandon History Center, but now you can read them in the comfort of your home. 

To find them go to:

next click on History Library

next choose the book that you want to read.       Enjoy