Chippewa Park near Brandon will soon be getting a new bridge. On Tuesday, March
18, Douglas County commissioners approved the bid for the contractor – which
came in lower than the engineer’s estimate.
The bridge crossing would be used for vehicles and pedestrians
to access the north parcel of the park.
The bid for the bridge work was awarded to Korby Contracting Company, Inc. out
of Fergus Falls. The amount the contracting company submitted was for
$432,808.40 – $51,558.70 less than the estimated cost of $484,367.10.
The cost of the bridge will come from three different sources –
$150,000 from a DNR grant, $15,000 from the Brandon Fire Department and the
rest would be county funds, according to Erickson.
He said there is no specified starting date, but all work has to
be completed by Oct. 31.
Courtesy Echo Press